62 lines
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62 lines
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use Humming-Bird::Core;
use Humming-Bird::Middleware;
use Humming-Bird::Advice;
use Template::Mustache;
use Base64;
use Libarchive::Filter :gzip;
# Normally would 'use' local libs here for Controller and Model and
# what not but keeping it simple for now...
# UPDATE: We now have local lib (sry libs)
use Hyperlink-Redirect::Helpers;
# Set things up (config stuff would go here?)
my $template = Template::Mustache.new: :from<../templates>;
# Logging
middleware &middleware-logger;
advice &advice-logger;
# Must set the root path lest yet miss setting $!root
my $router = Router.new(root => '/');
$router.get(-> $request, $response {
my Str %stash = title => 'Create new hyperlink';
$response.html($template.render: 'index', %stash);
$router.post(-> $request, $response {
my Str $return-url = fix-protocol($request.content<hyperlink>);
my Bool $meta-refresh = $request.content<meta-refresh>.defined;
my Str $url-scheme = $request.headers<x-forwarded-proto> || 'http';
my Any $url-host = $request.headers<host>;
my (Str $base-url, Str $hyperlink, Str %stash);
$base-url = $url-scheme ~ '://' ~ $url-host ~
($meta-refresh ?? '/--meta-refresh/' !! '/');
$hyperlink = $base-url ~ encode-base64(gzip($return-url), :str);
%stash = title => 'New hyperlink created', :$hyperlink;
$response.html($template.render: 'index', %stash);
# Process the hyperlink
$router.get('/--meta-refresh/**', -> $request, $response {
my Str $return-url = $request.path.subst: /^ '/--meta-refresh/'/, Empty;
my Str $redirect-url = gunzip(decode-base64($return-url, :bin));
my Str %stash = title => 'Hyperlinking...', :$redirect-url;
$response.html($template.render: 'index', %stash);
$router.get('/**', -> $request, $response {
my Str $return-url = $request.path.substr(1); # Omits the leading slash
my Str $redirect-url = gunzip(decode-base64($return-url, :bin));