# guestbook-ng The goal of guestbook-ng is to integrate across vendors and customers with full-service analytics insights by leveraging the latest in Perl Mojolicious blockchain technologies powered by AI. ## DB Config $ cat guestbook-ng.conf { secrets => ['secret_goes_here'], 'TagHelpers-Pagination' => { separator => '', current => '{current}', next => 'Next', prev => 'Prev', ellipsis => '..' }, dev_env => { pg_string => 'postgresql://user:PASSWORD@example.com/db' }, prod_env => { pg_string => 'postgresql://user:PASSWORD@example.com/db' }, max_posts => 5 } `secrets` and the Postgres connection string are mandatory ## Discord Webhook If you provide a file in the same directory called `.tom.url` containing a Discord Webhook URL then a notification will go out when someone signs the Guestbook. If you're using Docker but don't want the Webhook behavior, just create an empty file to make the Docker build work: $ touch .tom.url ## Testing $ prove -l t/basic.t .. ok All tests successful. Files=1, Tests=6, 1 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr 0.00 sys + 0.58 cusr 0.05 csys = 0.67 CPU) Result: PASS Add the `-v` option for more verbose output ## Docker ### Build podman build -t guestbook-ng . ### Tag podman tag guestbook-ng git.minimally.online/swaggboi_priv/guestbook-ng ### Push podman push git.minimally.online/swaggboi_priv/guestbook-ng ### Pull podman pull git.minimally.online/swaggboi_priv/guestbook-ng ### Run podman run -dt --rm --name guestbook-ng -p 3001:3000 guestbook-ng:latest ### Generate unit file podman generate systemd --files --new --name guestbook-ng ## TODOs 1. Do something about the hardcoded URL in Webhook stuff