2024-06-25 17:23:54 -04:00

83 lines
1.8 KiB

# Post::Text
A textboard written in Perl
## Installing locally
Install dependencies:
cpanm --installdeps .
## Running locally
Create a config file:
cp example_post_text.conf post_text.conf
This file right now just contains a Perl hash reference. Someday it
should be YAML or XML or something better suited.
Run it in development mode:
morbo -w public/ -w lib/ -w templates/ -w script/ script/post_text
Now try requesting http://localhost:3000
## Testing
First, create a valid first thread and first remark to the first
thread. The tests rely on the existence of thread #1 and remark #1
being the first remark to that first thread. Then you can run the
tests locally:
prove -l
## Building/running container
### Build
podman build -t post_text .
### Tag
podman tag post_text
### Push
podman push
### Pull
podman pull
### Run
podman run -dt --rm --name post_text -p 3002:3000 post_text
### Generate unit file
podman generate systemd --files --new --name post_text
## TODOs
1. Automate the holiday backgrounds with JS
1. Test JS with LibreJS or something like that (I don't like RMS I
just want free JS!!)
1. Tests for mod-only user?
## Crazy future ideas
### (Lord knows there's TODOs I could be working on...)
1. Is `remark_tally` counting hidden remarks? Tried to add a `WHERE
NOT hidden_status` but that returns null, probably need a different
`JOIN` which may not be worth the trouble/processing
1. Implement tripcodes (moving this down in priority due to complexity...)
1. Post thread via SMS (
## AGPL-3.0+ANTIFA compliance
- Antifa
- Trans Rights
- Black Lives Matter